Bird Songs and Sounds
Bird calls and sounds can be a great way to identify if certain birds are nearby or what activities they may be up to. Click the icon to hear some audio clips of the eastern bluebird.
Eastern Bluebird
Sialia sialis
Species Spotlight
The eastern bluebird is a native species to western PA. However, it is being pushed out of its range by invasive European starlings and English sparrows due to competition for nesting sites. You can do your part to help this species by constructing nest boxes to provide more opportunities for breeding bluebirds in the spring and summer. Click on the "Other Support" to learn more about proper nest box construction!
Frequents open country with scattered trees, farms, and roadsides. Breeds in many kinds of semi-open habitats, including cut-over or burned areas, forest clearings, farm country, and open pine woods. It also breeds locally in suburbs where there are extensive lawns and good nest sites. Wanders to other southern habitats in winter.
Wild Feeding Behavior
Omnivorous, eating mostly insects and berries. On occasion it will eat very small lizards and tree frogs. Likes to perch on low branches and swoop and hover above the ground to collet food.
Nesting Habits
Nest in cavities, typically in a natural hollow in a tree, old woodpecker holes, or in bird-boxes. Usually nests fairly low (2-20' above the ground), occasionally up to 50'. Nest is built mostly by female and is a loosely constructed cup of weeds, twigs, and dry grass, lined with finer grass, sometimes with animal hair or feathers.
Eggs and Young
Incubation is mostly done by the female for about 13-16 days. Both parents bring food to the nestlings. May also feed any young from a previous brood in some cases. Young fledge in about 18-19 days on average. Pairs have 2 broods per year, sometimes 3.
Common throughout the eastern half of the US. A permanent resident in most of the south from Texas, east to Virginia and Florida. Some birds migrate north in early spring and linger to late fall all the way from Canada, south to Kansas, east to the western half of PA, and north to Maine. In some cases migratory bluebirds will winter in southern Texas into Mexico.

Preferred Feeds
Suet cake, meal worms.
Preferred Feeders
Small platform, suet cage.

All Seasons - Common
All Seasons - Uncommon
Breeding - Common
Breeding - Uncommon
Winter - Common
Winter - Uncommon